What I'm Reading

Pac-Man: The Untold Story of How We Really Played The Game – Retro Bitch

People can tell you how many levels, what patterns to follow to beat the levels and how to get a “perfect game”. But until now, no one’s ever told you how people really played the game in The 80s. — Read on


The ROM Drama

A major site that hosts ROMS of classic video games has shut down because they are being sued by Nintendo. There’s a lot of discussion around this topic circulating in games journalism. Here’s a few pieces What are this issue There are some issues at play here that don’t seem complex at first, […]

What I'm Reading

#Gamergate Controversy Fuels Debate On Women And Video Games : All Tech Considered : NPR

Good synopsis and break down of the #gamergate mess  from a few weeks ago. I still haven’t change my thoughts on this whole thing. #Gamergate Controversy Fuels Debate On Women And Video Games : All Tech Considered : NPR.