I think I’ve seen this prototype before, but it’s still worth posting. Humanity’s First Transformer Is A…Start, I Guess.
Author: joshuakitchens
I just did a Safe Space training, and we were talking about how people deal with their identities and they are constructed. This kind struct home a bit in that regards, and reminded how messy, complex, and difficult the process can be. It also reminds me of how little I understand. Here’s one to find […]
This was an unexpected find this AM. Macon prison inmates see their future in Braille transcription | Local & State | Macon.com.
Daily Recap
Today was weird, and I’m not being funny. I’d gladly like to relate the Norse saga that was my work day to you, but I can’t because it was one of those days where you can’t talk about half of what happened. I blame all the weirdness on the impending semester. It never seems to […]
Mondo, Vinyl and Batman
BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES 7-INCH SINGLE On Sale Info! http://t.co/hwaQxCXwRO — Justin Ishmael (@MondoNews) August 6, 2014
Tweet of the Moment
Moreover. — Shit Academics Say (@AcademicsSay) August 6, 2014
This really great news, and a great tribute to all the LGBT service members. I like the thinking that this memorial can symbolize that DADT is a think of the past. LGBT Servicemembers To Receive Memorial In Congressional Cemetery| Gay News | Towleroad.
For members of the “Master Race”, this looks like a good departure for the Survival Genre. Survival Games Are Moving Beyond “Zombies & Crafting”.
Here’s a good run down of what’s been going on in the Federal Courts in regards to petitions to SCOTUS and movements in the various circuits over the last week or so. Same-sex marriage issue reaches the Court early (UPDATED) : SCOTUSblog.
Academic Reading Back-log Clean up
I’m quite happy that I’m finally making a sizable dent in my reading backlog. Sadly much of this should was to be completed during a summer research project that kind of fizzled all my fault. Sadly that seems to happening all to often here lately, but that’s another story. One will have no songs sung about in […]