Moreover. — Shit Academics Say (@AcademicsSay) August 6, 2014
Category: Research
Academic Reading Back-log Clean up
I’m quite happy that I’m finally making a sizable dent in my reading backlog. Sadly much of this should was to be completed during a summer research project that kind of fizzled all my fault. Sadly that seems to happening all to often here lately, but that’s another story. One will have no songs sung about in […]
I’m just saving this one. I’m going through the Deresiewicz piece carefully later this week. My first read has me siding very closely with Deresiewicz, but I’ve been known to say “It doesn’t matter where you go to, but what you make of your educational opportunities” William Deresiewicz’s Weird Anti-Ivy Elitism – The Conversation – […]
I agree to some extent what the author is saying here, but his rant on learning objectives is rather weak in my opinion. I’m also not really anti-rubric, and if created correctly, they don’t discourage creative and intellectual thinking. The Rise of the Helicopter Teacher – The Conversation – Blogs – The Chronicle of Higher […]
Do You Reverse
Apparently there are two versions of the video of Flannery O’Connor with you backwards walking chicken. The Pathe News Reel company created two versions of this news reel. One entitled “Unique Chicken Goes in Reverse” appeared to be for the american market. This video is available without sound in the Flannery O’Connor Collection in the […]
Everything Old is new Again
[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”One of the fun things I read last week, and Yes I do notecards to track what I read.” type=”image” alt=”IMG_1222.JPG” ] I’ve been trying and failing to manage my research and writing for years now. Mostly, I’ve failed miserably. I’ve tried Zotero. I’ve tried using just Evernote. Nothing work and I […]
The semester is well underway
[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”my stress relief takes a different turn.” type=”image” alt=”IMG_1161.PNG” ] As the semester rages, and use whatever sense of the word you’d like, I often find that I’m getting over whelmed again. This is the cycle of things it seems. I’ve tried task management systems. I’ve tried various techniques to encourage myself […]
Publishing is changing, so why fight it?
[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_1131.JPG” ] BuzzFeed’s Reza Aslan Video via Fox News Is a Traffic Bonanza | New Republic. The above article(possible paywall), while discussing an interview that has lot to do with academic writing, actually takes the discussion in another direction that I really like. Marc Tracy finds a story less in […]
[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_1149.JPG” pe2_single_image_size=”s400″ pe2_single_video_size=”s400″ pe2_img_align=”center” ] I realized this afternoon while I was switching gears to work on a book review that I need to finish up that I’ve essentially created a “mini-fort”, really its more of a wall, on my desk. This “mini-fort”, to me at least, must act like […]
Repository Town Here we come
[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Brain storming for the GC library Institutional Repository” type=”image” alt=”7856A462-4A50-47C3-B43F-E23D5C939DDE.JPG” ] So it begins!! Georgia College library is about to embark on a grand new journey. We’ve finally received approval. I’ve spent a good bit of time brainstorming. My next year or so is gonna be a lot of fun.