
New Office – Let’s Paint

I’m moving, and while I’m deciding where to put my books and file cabinets, the one thing I really want to do is paint. It’s not that I want a new color. I want to cover the whole room in Idea Paint. Idea Paint let’s you turn any paint-able surface into a dry erase board. I wasn’t one […]


Idea Journal #2 – Thoughts after turning Topic

I’ve turned in my topic paper early it seems, but I feel i need to refine the topic a bit more. I’m afraid that I’m trying to do too much with the paper. Is 3000 words enough to discuss both the issues of access and collecting in institutional repositories. Let’s break down the main issues. Access copyright […]


Idea Journal 1

My initial thoughts for my ARST 6610 (archives law and ethics) paper is to explore copyright and its relationship to institutional repositories. This is a timely topic for me during this semester because I’m working on establishing an institutional repository at Georgia College’s library. For me its particularly important to understand the intricacies of the copyright issues in regards to placing archival content […]


France’s National Library Hopes to Buy Sade’s ‘120 Days’

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Week of September 24 Writing

Monday The lack of early reference to sessions to educate users on how to work with archivies is not surprising. in our earliest period we were just trying to understand the purpose and the reasosn for our profession. this should go without saying the we were more concerned with making the case for our collections […]


Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday Writing

What is a Primary Source? a primary document is a from a specific moment in time from a specific point of view in a stable format Locating primary sources Discover what sources you  might need (begin with secondary) Use appropriate databases to locate these sources use terms on the web like archive, digital collection. Working […]


Thursday Free Writing

I’ve had a rough week trying to get to writing. I’ve actually spent most of my spare time thinking about other things, but I was able to compile a good list of sources that I’d like to go through over the coming weeks. What I’ve begun to realize about early archival sources is that the terminology may […]


Thursday Free Writing

I’m find myself wondering about the concepts exhibited in elizabeth yakels article on archivial outreach. Main the issues of Artfactual Intelligence, Subject expertise, and Archivial Intellegence. These are important topics to consider when dicussing the mehtds for insctuction. These are the desired outcomes, but what to we mean about archivial intellengence. What skills are we […]


Wednesday writting

What does user centered archives mean? Is this q concept well explore. For me this means dealing with the person not the collection first. It means being whiling to to a bit more leg work to aid e the patron, and not wholly abandon them to be over run by the collection. It means to […]


Free Writing – Tuesday

How should instructing be accom