So what is exactly engaged learning? To be honest, I don’t always know the anwer to that questions. It seems that at its heart is about increasing the interest a student has in his or here learning process, but it’s more than that. It also seeks to increase retention of information as well. According to […]
Parts of the Instruction Session
As i ponder this adventure into the History of archivial insturction, I find that I really want to think about the parts of the instruction session. to me there are, at least three major parts Pedagogy Content Assessment Pedagogy simply means how content is deliveryed to students/users. Pedagoy approach can take many forms. this include […]
The history of instructing users on how to use archivial collections seems to be a mixed bag of orienation sessions, session focused on proper document handling and the endless discusion of the parts of the finding aid. In many respects this does our users a disservice and reflects the mantra of collection first users behind […]
Thisngs are rarely easy in the wide world of archiving. I’ve learned that I should always expected the unexpected, but It never fails that I’ll be surprised by something. This morning’s pick-up was no exception. I was faced with the flooding to the left upon first arriving at the vault I was to clean out […]
June is Bustin Out all over
June is here, and I’ve got a lot to work on this month. Most of it is actually writing related, which will be an new challenge for me. I have a few other fun projects that are related to the GC2Y course I will be helping out with this fall. Writing/Research Projects Guide to Researching […]
Institutional Repositories: Trends and Issues What is an Institutional Repository At the core, an Institutional Repository is dedicated to collecting, preserving and providing access to all the intellectual property that an organization creates. In their early years, repositories focused on collecting thesis and dissertation leading to the ETD movement. Today their collecting scope is much […]
Testing Settings
This is just a test post that maybe taken down shortly.
Publishing Student Research Online
I’ve been fascinated by the idea of publishing student research for several years now. I’ve always felt that if we could implement one or more institution wide e-publishing platforms that it would help me collect university archival materials. I will admit that really want some sort of institutional repository so that I can not only […]
The State of Archival Instruction
The Problem Traditional archival and library instruction consist of showing students online catalogs, the parts of the finding aid, quick overviews of collections available at the institution that delivers the instruction session. These sessions are usually delivered to history students only. This type of instruction rarely takes into account student learning needs and engaged pedagogy. […]
This is my beginning bibliography for my investigation into Archivial Instruction. I know that I’m going to really focus on Elizabeth Yakel’s work. Accardi, Maria T, Emily Drabinski, and Alana Kumbier. Critical library instruction : theories and methods. Duluth, Minn.: Library Juice Press, 2010. Browne, M. Neil, and Stuart M Keeley. Asking the right questions : a […]
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